Tuesday 15 November 2011

CHARITY EXTRAVAGANZA to support Grove House - Wed 23rd Nov

At our next meeting, Wednesday 23rd Nov, we'll be showcasing our CHARITY EXTRAVAGANZA to support Grove House so please bring plenty of change, or some of that folding stuff if you prefer!   If you're low on dosh then just pop along with lots of pennies in your pocket... every penny counts.

If you're not aware of the work that Grove House undertakes then here is a story from one of our members:

One day I walked up to the reception of Grove House and burst out crying... of course I was seen pretty immediately!   Nobody wants a blubbering wreck on their front door step!!!
I was given FREE weekly sessions with Margaret, a very compassionate grief counsellor, to help me understand the trauma of my father's strug! gle with Cancer and his subsequent death only a week after my baby son was born.

During these sessions, my mother was then diagnosed with non-operable Cancer and our focus shifted to what was happening in the present rather than the past.   Grove House helped me deal with the pain and emotions of such a rotting disease that stole my parents from me.

If you can be with us on 23rd November to show your support for this very worthwhile charity then we welcome you along so POP THE DATE IN YOUR DIARY TODAY - 23rd November (7:15 pm for prompt 7:30 start), 99 Waverley Road, The Hertfordshire Partnership NHS Trust, Saint Albans.

AND... if you're lucky enought to have a friend then BRING THEM ALONG TO SHARE THE FUN