Thursday 22 March 2012

You can achieve astounding things if you step out of your comfort zone!

The table topics session which was run this evening by our club's VP Public Relations, Chet Thaker, was about stepping out of your comfort zone and we discussed the pros and cons of doing so and we even had some top tips of how to push through your fears.  Even before the table topics session we had Ronit Gerber become a role model that evening by stepping out of her comfort zone and at the last minute agreeing to become the Table Topics Evaluator.  Despite having never done this role before and naturally feeling a little nervous about doing so without any chance of prior preparation she took it on and did a outstanding job.  So much so that she ended up winning Best Evaluator for the evening which goes to show that you never know what you can achieve if you are brave enough to try something you've not done before and expand your comfort zone.  Look how happy and exhilarated Ronit looks at winning Best Evaluator.

We had an awesome, splendid and marvellous Word of the Day.  Jean Doidge told us that we should try harder to use better positive words than always sticking to boring words like Great and Fantastic.  So she challenged us with a stupendous word of the day which was Astounding.

Our VP Education, Sanjit Joseph, led by example by showing us that despite having a busy role at the club it is still possible to set yourself goals and work through your speeches.  He gave us a cracking speech entitled Impressions Impressions Impressions - and no this wasn't about the impressions that people like Jon Culshaw and Harry Enfield do but about making a good first impression when you meet people.  We gained valuable tips from this speech that we will all be able to use in our every day lives.

Present at this meeting also was our Area Governor, Kevin Baggs, who was there for one of his official visits to check how the club is doing and to offer recommendations for improvement which is always welcome in Toastmasters clubs.

All in all a great  fantastic astounding evening!

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