Friday 15 November 2013

Entente cordiale ...

For centuries, the English and the French have eyed each other with suspicion across the Straits of Dover. So how does a businesswoman from Versailles come to be President of a Hertfordshire public speaking club? Anthony Nixon, Vice-President Public Relations of West Herts Speakers, finds out more ...

With barely concealed mirth, Paris-born linguist Corinne Frydman admits that she learned English “because it was the only language on offer at the time.”

German is my first interest,” says Corinne. “For me, being a linguist is not knowing everything related to a language. It’s about communicating with people, ideally in their own language - then communication unfolds. Language is not a technicality, it’s an emotional link with people and their culture.”

A dynamic entrepreneur who now runs her own business, Corinne came to England in 1992. “I came,” says Corinne, “because of my bad English accent. I had studied translations in Germany and France and made people laugh with my English pronunciation.”

Settling in Hertfordshire, Corinne found herself isolated from people because of her working style. “When I became a freelance translator, I worked long hours in front of a computer screen without any social interaction. I found it difficult to talk to people and in front of audiences - which I was going to need to do when I finally started my own business.”

Then Corinne heard about Toastmasters International. She says: I thought that Toastmasters would help me develop in this area - and it has!”

Toastmasters International is dedicated to communication and leadership development, with some 280,000 members in 116 countries worldwide. Corinne joined West Herts Speakers, one of the 270 Toastmasters clubs in the UK and Ireland. Then, in July this year, Corinne was invited to stand for President of West Herts Speakers and was elected with the enthusiastic and unanimous support of her fellow Toastmasters. “I wanted to help and embrace the challenge,” Corinne says modestly.

Toastmasters fosters public speaking and leadership skills through a programme of learning by doing. A typical evening at St Albans based West Herts Speakers involves both impromptu speeches and prepared speeches, all of which are formally and positively evaluated by fellow club-members, providing advice and support for the next one. There are no instructors - members organise and run each meeting. “There is a strong network of fellow Toastmasters who support individuals within clubs,” says Corinne.

A new Toastmaster will start with the Competent Communication manual, which addresses a different aspect of public speaking through ten prepared, five-minute speeches. At the same time, Toastmasters work through the Competent Leadership manual, learning how to make the meetings run smoothly and how to deliver constructive, honest feedback to club members as part of building their leadership skills. “There are learning systems to help individuals to achieve their own goals and objectives, as speakers and as assertive individuals and leaders,” says Corinne. “Toastmasters makes these systems available to members at hardly any charge.”

Absolutely everybody is welcome to attend meetings at West Herts Speakers. So that they find the club that suits them best, Toastmasters encourages people to visit two or three local clubs as non-paying guests before making up their minds which to join.

So what does Corinne enjoy most about Toastmasters? “Loads of things!” she says. “It’s difficult to choose. People challenging themselves. To see people grow and personality develop with assurance is fantastic.”

During her presidency of West Herts Speakers, Corinne wants to see the sustainable and healthy development of the club where all members will achieve their objectives in terms of public speaking and leadership development. By ‘sustainable and healthy’ Corinne means that the club should continue its development when she is no longer President. “I want to lay foundations that carry the club further, growing healthily. It would be fantastic to reach one hundred members during my time as President.”

Of her own progress with Toastmasters Corinne says: “Toastmasters gives me the dynamism to develop my business. As a small business leader I need to develop particular skills. Being president of West Herts Speakers is helping me directly not only with my leadership skills but also with developing a vision for the club. I am better at talking to people and inspiring them.

“Small business owners multi-task. Toastmasters is ideal for business owners. It gives me the confidence to grow my business. Toastmasters is a supportive environment, where members help each other to grow and I know I am not on my own - I can do it!”

And after her one-year term as President of West Herts Speakers? “I would like to help the next Club executive team by taking on another officer role, if appropriate. I’ll also develop additional leadership skills through the club and at a later stage perhaps get involved at Toastmasters’ area level.”

But for now, Corinne plans to give her all to her presidency. “A year from now,” she says, “I should like to see a flourishing club where all the members are happy with their progress, having achieved what they wanted to achieve. I want to see a strong club which will develop no matter what.”