Friday 30 September 2011

Oh What A (Competition) Night!

Trevor Springall & Karen Nightingale
West Herts Speakers Club celebrated a great competition night with three superb prepared speeches and four fantastic impromptu table topics speakers. Competition was fierce, judging was tough and the best people won. Trevor Springall, who was also the Toastmaster of the Evening, came top with his hugely entertaining A Land of Paradise speech, which centered on his airport experiences that we could all relate to. Andrew Ross gave a truly adept table topic on the subject of C’Est La Vie, virtually outdoing Trevor on entertainment value as he recounted his own experiences at airports with his identical twins in tow.

Andrew Ross & Karen Nightingale

Stuart Lawson & Karen Nightingale
As if that wasn’t enough, we were also delighted to welcome another TWO NEW MEMBERS!! - Ryan Pearson and Christina Lorefice - to our fast expanding Club following hot on the heels of Sanjit Joseph who joined recently.  Sanjit also participated in both the Humorous Speech AND the Table Topics contests!

Ryan Pearson

Sanjit Joseph

Christina Lorefice
The evening was rounded off by Contest Chair Karen Nightingale inviting all the evening’s contestants, and club members, to share their experiences of being a Toastmaster. Former president Liz Burnett summed it up by saying how empowering and confidence building she had found being a Toastmaster since joining four years ago. Most importantly, and probably on behalf of everyone in the room, she also said how much she enjoyed witnessing and supporting people develop in their ‘Toastmaster journey’.

Contest Participants (From left to right): Stuart Lawson, Karen Knightingale, Elzabeth Hendry, Trevor Springall, Andrew Ross, Frances Pardell, Sanjit Joseph

If you were at the competition leave your comments below on how it was for you and also feel free to share your experiences of being a Toastmaster.