At our last meeting, two new members stole the show!
Jill Faiella was noted best speaker for a text book and warmly delivered Icebreaker entitled "Who is Jill?" By the end of it we had no doubt about her determination and ability to overcome her fear of public speaking.
Best evaluator prize went to JJ Lynch who has been with us only a few months. He is an experienced and highly skilled speaker but appears to revel in having others evaluate him so that he can become even more polished.
So who won Table Topics? Both JJ and Jill - they tied first.
Special mentions go to the other speakers - Anthony Boboe and Sebastian Lane - who put in entertaining and thought provoking performances.
Richard Beagle led Table Topics, putting speaker after speaker on the spot to talk about a first in their lives.
Gwendoline Alderton kept up the energy and characteristic deft footwork throughout the evening as our holiday-themed Toastmaster.